School uniform

School uniform:

  • A white plain polo shirt
  • A royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey or black school pinafore dress or skirt
  • Grey or black tailored school trousers
  • Grey or black tailored school shorts
  • Navy blue or pale blue checked summer dress
  • All pupils wear black shoes with no heels or smart black trainers with black laces

PE Kit:

  • Black shorts
  • Plain White T-shirt
  • Black school pumps or trainers
  • Black or grey plain jogging bottoms for colder weather

These can be purchased from local supermarkets or shops.
They can be purchased from which ever outlet families and carers prefer.

Sweatshirts & cardigans with the school logo can be ordered from school at cost price. You can order these items via Parentpay.

Pupils should have their names inside their coats and on as much of their clothing as possible.

In the interests of safety and natural growth and development, flat heeled shoes are much better for your child and we strongly recommend this type of footwear.

During the summer months we encourage parents to provide sun hats for pupils to wear during playtimes and dinnertimes – these can be purchased in school.

Pupils must not wear bracelets, necklaces or rings in school at any time. Children in both Key Stage 1 and 2 may wear one pair of small, plain stud earrings.

Earrings must be either removed or covered with surgical tape for all PE and games lessons and are not allowed to be worn at all during swimming lessons and afterschool clubs. Watches may be worn but are the pupil’s own responsibility. They must be removed for PE and games lessons.

Extreme haircuts or markings and unnatural hair colours are not permitted.

Please note that school cannot accept liability for private property lost or damaged. All clothing should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name in indelible ink or using nametags or some other means. Pupils should not bring unnecessary money or valuable items of property to school. Pupils should not bring toys, mobile phones or games consoles into school.

Uniform Exchange:

We provide a uniform exchange service once a month at upper school. If you have any spare uniform in good conditions please donate it to school. If you require any uniform please do call in and take a look, there is no fee and you do not have to make a donation.

What is your favourite subject and why?
“English because I love writing stories and poems.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why? –
“I love P.E. because I am a real sports person and enjoy being creative.”

Pupil Voice

What would you say to a child who is worried about joining this school?
“We will look after you and help you.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“Everything. I enjoy every single second of school.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“I love the school trips and when we go to the church to sing.”

Pupil Voice

What do you like about the teachers?
“They make me feel safe.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“The best thing I’ve done at school was going to William’s Den and building my own den.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“Art because I like drawing and sometimes my work goes on the wall.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“Art because it calms me down and it’s great fun.”

Pupil Voice

What would you say to a child who is worried about joining this school?
“Be yourself. It’s a great school and you’ll fit in.”

Pupil Voice

What do you like about the teachers?
“They tell jokes and help us learn.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“I enjoy the school trips to the museum so I can learn.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why? –
“Maths because I love numbers and adding.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“Topic and Art are my favourite lessons because they push me to my limits and are fun.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“I really enjoy playing for the school football team.”

Pupil Voice

What do you like about the teachers?
“They are helpful and kind.”

Pupil Voice