Our Vision & Aims

At New Pastures Primary School our vision is for our pupils to be well educated through a rich and varied curriculum, becoming self motivated, confident learners who have a desire to achieve more each day.

We aim for our pupils
to be the very best that they can be.

  • To be literate and numerate

  • To be self motivated with lively enquiring minds

  • To be able to communicate effectively and have excellent social skills

  • To respect themselves and others as individuals regardless of race, religion, culture, gender or ability

  • To take calculated risks to solve problems for themselves in an environment where it is safe to fail and then try again, rejoicing in success

  • To be able to work as an individual or as part of a team, knowing when to ask for help and when to give support to others

  • To think and act creatively in everything they do

  • To be a well-rounded citizen who is able to cope with the demands of the modern world

  • To be a life long learner

What do you like about the teachers?
“They are helpful and kind.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“I really enjoy playing for the school football team.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“English because I love writing stories and poems.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“The best thing I’ve done at school was going to William’s Den and building my own den.”

Pupil Voice

What would you say to a child who is worried about joining this school?
“Be yourself. It’s a great school and you’ll fit in.”

Pupil Voice

What do you like about the teachers?
“They tell jokes and help us learn.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“Art because I like drawing and sometimes my work goes on the wall.”

Pupil Voice

What do you like about the teachers?
“They make me feel safe.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“Topic and Art are my favourite lessons because they push me to my limits and are fun.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why? –
“I love P.E. because I am a real sports person and enjoy being creative.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why? –
“Maths because I love numbers and adding.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“Art because it calms me down and it’s great fun.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“I enjoy the school trips to the museum so I can learn.”

Pupil Voice

What would you say to a child who is worried about joining this school?
“We will look after you and help you.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“Everything. I enjoy every single second of school.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“I love the school trips and when we go to the church to sing.”

Pupil Voice